Delta Point - The Untold Udupi

Okay, it’s Friday evening and I was stuck with a computer screen, finishing my weekly tasks. Eagerly waiting for the weekend to get off from my daily routine and just SLEEP for 2 days.

Yes, I can sleep that long.

Well, fortunately, 4 hours before the trip, I remembered that my friend was going on a trip with his cousins. A little desire made me ping him,

“Can I join you?” and he replied, “Yes, of course!”

Yeah, here it is. Started our journey by catching a train from Bengaluru City Junction to Udupi intersecting through the gorges of Western Ghats and alongside the Arabian Sea is equally or perhaps the most scenic railway track. The sun was shining gold as it rose over the plains, getting bigger and bigger as the train sped through the fields. I was standing at the door, with the morning breeze on my face, watching the coastal side of palm trees. The moment when we reached Udupi station, it started to drizzle in cloudy weather.

Krishna Matha

The first thing we did in Udupi was, taking an Auto-rickshaw directly to the Krishna Matha. If you are thinking that “We are so religious!”, then you are mistaken. As a matter of fact, we booked our rooms in Krishna Matha, as they were economic and mainly it’s in the center of the city.

This temple was indeed very old and arguably one of the most decorated temples I had ever seen. Constructed in a huge space with great architecture which is well maintained and clean premises. The atmosphere in and around was serene and pleasant.

In the middle of the temple, there was a large sacred pond, however, devotees are not allowed to enter that. But, it was visible from our hotel window and I spent most of my time watching it. The essence of the drum beats, the lightning, and aarti performance was something to experience here.

Malpe Beach

To get the local feel of the city, we took a colorful bus from the Udupi bus stand, where I literally had a basket of fish on my feet. Although, we got a nice company by a Fishermans who headed to the beach. Malpe beach is situated 6 km to the west of Udupi, comparatively smaller in size, but it’s full of people, restaurants, small eateries, and several cultural festivities.

A statue of Gandhi greets you at the entry point. We bought some soft drinks and jumped right into the ocean. In Malpe, they had various water activities, even though I did not try any of these, it sure looked all fun. We played for hours together in the water, until we were hungry. Lunch was at a rustic little restaurant on the beach, including a wide variety of freshly caught seafood that made my day.

When we came back to Krishna Matha, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The complete Matha was transformed into some kind of a fest, live classical music, bhajans, Bharatanatyam, and whatnot. All the cultural performances were so unexpected and heart touching.

Kapu Beach

Our beach hunt continued the next day, starting with the Kapu beach. Compared to Malpe, it’s less crowded, cleaner with a panoramic view of the Arabian Sea. If you like to walk alongside the beach or would like to sit on beach rocks, then this is a perfect one. About 200 feet high, a lighthouse was constructed on a rocky hill that shares the heavenly view of the horizon.

Again it started raining and we had a train back to Bengaluru at night. The heavy storm was out of the blue, it wasn’t in a mood to stop. In the shades of Kapu beach, we met a photographer who told us about Delta point and he visited that place yesterday. Seems to be interesting, but the weather was not in our favor.

Delta Point

At length the sun's rays have attained the right angle, the clouds were dispersing and warm winds blew up. We all got ready for the Delta Point. As usual, we took a bus ride to the place.

This place is Insane, I mean it.

The 5 km long narrow road which takes you here is between the river and sea. Unbelievable right? And Delta Point is where the river meets the sea. Yes, it is true. We witnessed this phenomenal place by reaching right to the end. Golden sand, silver water under the blue sky, and red sun were so undoubtedly mesmerizing. A mixed background of clouds and sky made it even more photogenic.

Simply, this beach is “Isolated”, “Untouched” and “Silent”.

It was difficult returning to our routine life after being in a place like this, but nothing lasts forever.