Goa Offbeat 5 - Kakolem Beach

Existing like it doesn’t

As we managed to tick all the places from our checklist except the splendid “Kakolem Beach”. Ajju & Vishu join us (Me & Nayyu) on our day plan.

We decided to go by car as we could accommodate better. We left around breakfast time & reached the place Kakolem beach around 11 AM. It wasn’t easy to find the way in here because the navigation isn’t correct anywhere. We checked with locals & most of them weren’t aware of this place & few people who knew could tell us the halfway. With unwinding interest, we managed to reach a place nearby Kakolem. It was in the middle of nowhere & we found another group of people who also came by a car going through the narrow pathway. They were into the same plan as us. This just inflated confidence & we headed through a narrow path down. At some point, it was just impossible to take the car any further. However, The other gang who came by were able to pass in that narrow bumpy mud path. It’s a win-win if you get an SUV here. We found a shade so stopped our car there & then started hiking in the dusty field.

First View Of Kakolem Beach

We hiked for a couple of miles & descended with a throne scratching at the skins & finally deep down we found a resort on the shores with an infinity view towards the sky. A perfect arrangement amused us. We were never expecting a Paneer Butter Masala & Finger Chips with all kinds of Rotis in the Menu. As we strolled too much for the day & it just took all our calories to see this nature’s magic. We ordered more than we ate. Believe it or not, This place has Wi-Fi.  If you decide to work from a scenic view then it's a never-miss destination to be in. Our boys (Vishu & Ajju) occupied the deck chairs & started to work. How Lovely…! Only at this moment, I felt I too was working on this day. Scenic Views, Waves hitting on & the pleasure of nature. Who doesn't want the ambiance like this to work? This place looked so well organized that I couldn't believe it was there naturally. A proper arrangement of gigantic rocks on the shores & evenly grown coconut trees & the blue water by the reflection of the sky looked like this place is built rather than it exists.

Lunch At Kakolem

We gobbled lots of dishes from the menu & dived into the water. Wait! Before I could foot in, I was a little skeptical about the depth of water. I couldn’t see the sand flow beneath as soon as the wave hit my legs on the shore. It was just 10 mts I could forward & asked Nayyu to check as it wasn’t looking shallow. He drowned after a few steps where my instincts were right.

Scenic Views Of Kakolem Beach

We played, strolled & relaxed until sunset time & we decided to visit Cola Beach for Sunset which is apparently known for its sunset view.

We signed off ASAP & navigated to Cola Beach. It wasn’t quite as easy as anticipated to reach Cola Beach as it took nerves to visit the place after a whole day of activities. We were running late as Google said it's 6:24 PM that day when the sunset is gonna happen. We walked for around 2 kms downhill & later we saw a board on a food joint en-route saying “1 KM COLA”.

Chota Cola Beach

I & Nayyu started running ahead to reach the place on time for what we came for but unfortunately couldn’t make up for it.

The Sun was below the horizon when we could sight. We sat there like sloths to breathe out from that gush. Later we headed back to the place where we left our car parking. It was pitch dark while we hopped in the car. Pieces of music, Chit Chats, Drowsiness, etc. are how we called off for the day.

Twenty Years by now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.

Explore || Dream || Discover

First Chapter: GOA OFFBEAT 1 - BOGMALO